Monday, 30 May 2011

Forwards to the Horizon

So over a year has passed since this blog has last been updated. In that time I've completed the final installment of The List comic. It's been a long 5 years with Paul Bedford and Tom Bonin, but I did enjoy it all.

Throughout the production of this story we have been getting feedback from our readers and I am really grateful and happy that it's been positive. It's great that our readers have enjoyed the book as much as they have

While I do enjoy being a starving artist, I don't intend on staying one for a prolonged period. Please support us by getting a comic (or three now that it's completed):

I have made more progress in regards of the anthology I've been mulling on for the better part of 5 years. Work is now underway on the first of what I hope to be many anthologies. There are four of us in this project, based on our respective aspects. I'm being intentionally vague, but I will elaborate at some later point, just not right now.

It is intended that this first anthology be the precursor for the following ones. It is to set the benchmark for the others. It also will allow me to practice in publishing and putting together a book.

You may have noticed that the blog has been updated to look less horrible than it was before. One of the first of many things on my agenda that has been addressed.

My absence on this blog is something I intend on rectifying. I will endeavor to update this on a weekly basis. Of art or at least of some noteworthy news.

Until next week (see what I did there?).