Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Despite all evidence to the contrary, I have been progressing with One Comic A Week, albeit in a different form. Over the last 2 weeks I've been working poster-size on the cover to my 24 hour comic, which is now called Incunabula. It took ages to do all the cross-hatching detail, and even half-way through it didn't look like it was forming well, but that's the nature of working creatively. Thankfully, I think it turned out rather decent. I used nibs, ink and a pen brush. Here's a draft of the cover.

Aside from cover, I have also been planning the story to Incunabula as well as another project I've called Quorum. While I intend for Incunabula to be a fairly short 20-30 pages story, I want Quorum to be a significantly longer story. Indeed I want it to be Novel length 100+ pages. I've done the outlines to the scenes for the story and it's starting to take shape before my eyes.

I also created a poster for Quorum. I wanted a retro circa 60s feel to it, and I think I achieved it. I used a different medium for this though. I used a Pentel Aquash disposable brush ink pen. It’s distinguishable from other brush pens like Copic’s or Windsor & Newton’s as it has bristles, and you can refill it. It’s not to the same standard as a really good brush and it has a habit of forming large globules of ink on the bristles if you do only fine lines and not use the whole brush (scrap paper to wipe off excess essential to using this!), but on the whole I am liking it.

I even used the brush pen to do all the lettering for the logos in the images. That's right; all this shit is hand-written.

I did the Quorum poster in all of 20 minutes. I like the way the folds in the cloths are rendered with the brush. I’m still uncomfortable with the loss of detail as I am a detail junkie with my nibs, but I’m getting line work similar to other brush users I admire (Meredith Gran, Craig Thompson, Jeff Smith, et cetera). I’ll be planning on using a brush entirely or at least for the figures for Quorum.


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