Saturday, 27 October 2007

Another thingymajig I can neglect

...Because I'm self important enough to create a journal of myself that is of obvious social benefit. :P

I don't know why I really created this account. Just to have a blog? To share my thoughts on whatever passing interest/issue I come across? Meh. Just to show off my work I guess. I don't really have much to say to the world other than what I produce (as that's the only time they really pay attention; when I have something bright and shiny dangling in front of them).

I make comics when I can. Most of my stories are generally experimental shorts; dabbling in lots of subject matter, structure/anti-structure/avante garde, illustration style, and design. They tend to be shorts though. Generally favouring things that I like to read for myself: confronting and disarming. Not deminishing action or light easy reading at all, but only once in a while so I don't get depressed and I like a bit of substance in my readings. Slice-of-life, horror, political, social commentary, experimental etc are all the genres I'm into at the moment. Sometimes I do a subject like economics and try to work that into a story as an overall theme. Though my mindset is to use something as an everyday intrusive thing rather than sensationalising it to the point of bringing it to the forefront. Subtle, underlying themes are more fun to write and read, than unarticulated and obvious cash-in stories (like your garden variety made-for-tv movie).

At the moment, I'm working on a comic with a writer to produce a comic called The List ( It's dark, not altogether coherent (purposefully. He is an adept screenwriter), and probably not something I wouold have normally undertaken or create myself; but I did like his approach and it seems like we're a good fit. Book one has been released. So far there have been good but cautious reviews for it. While it is a series of 4 books and the first one really doesn't elaborate a great deal, there are other things they can discuss of the book without compromising on their caution to judge the entire series as a whole. But most seem to like my art, which is a bit of a relief as I don't have much more input than that at the moment.

Yeah. Not much to really say at this point. Hi! :)



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