Thursday, 6 March 2008


Heh. Took long enough to post again, eh? 2nd post.

Not much has changed since the last post, but I have made more progress with The List. Volume one has been distributed by Paul (my writer) and it's been favourably received; as far as an indie comic can be. It's gotten some good reviews, but most are pretty cautious. I suppose the first volume doesn't spoon-feed too much and as a reader you're just thrust into the thick of it; demanding as it is, I think they're more inclined to see how it goes with the subsequent volumes than to pass judgement. Fair enough, but they're only going deeper into the second volume.

I've done about 10 pages of the list as of this entry. Only 40 or so left? Heh, heh.

Working on my side projects as well. I do the List in my spare time from uni and full time work, so this means I work on my side projects in the spare time of my spare time. That pic on the side is a sample from it. This one is in colour. It's a short, but I do intend on publishing it eventually. I already have an idea how it'll look designed and finished. It'll be self published and have a very limited run, but it's more for sharing with my friends than earning chunks of monies.

I'll share more of my progress of The List in my next post. Not too much, though. Paul will cry. :)

Henry PoP

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